Volunteer to Write Cards

Card Guidelines:

  • Cards can be homemade or store bought filled with handmade messages. Please no glitter. Homemade cards should be made from card stock.
  • Write uplifting messages such as: “You Rock”, “I hope you have a great day”, “I believe in you”, “Keep going”, “Keep dreaming”, “Be kind to yourself”, “You are thought of”, etc.
  • For hospital patients, please do not use phrases such as “Stay Brave”, “Get Well” or “Our prayers are with you”. Some hospitals will not distribute these.
  • Add your first name and/or state. For your protection, please do not include your personal address or contact information.
  • Add abrightspot.org somewhere on the card.
  • Keep envelopes unsealed. If you would like to add stickers, leave room for the recipient’s address and room for a stamp.
  • Stamps are a way to keep our costs down, if you include stamps please do not stamp each individual card. We send in bulk or boxes and the stamps have to go on the outside of the box, not on the envelopes.
  • Send all cards to:
    A Bright Spot
    44573 Yarmouth Dr.,
    Ashburn, VA 20147