A Bright Spot welcomes cards made by those seeking service hours. We will accept cards in accordance with the guidelines below and, when approved, email a service hour acknowledgement form. We also will sign/confirm school forms and court-ordered acknowledgement forms. We participate in court-ordered service on a case-by-case basis. Please email us at [email protected].
It is your responsibility to ensure your service counts towards your requirements. All hours given are the final judgment of our Headquarters staff.
Each month, different projects come up, so find one that fits you. Sign up with the email address you wish to receive the signed Statement of Hours.
Making your Cards: What fits your category?
You can make homemade cards using cardstock, stickers, and colorful pens
You can buy cards with bright, sunny, cheerful, uplifting, or motivating pictures.
We do not accept cards made from construction or table paper. Write a few motivating messages or jokes that would uplift your audience. If you need ideas, look at our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/BrightSpotCards. Scroll through posts to see examples of cards and designs.
Sign your cards with your first name and state only.
- Do not leave a lot of blank space. If you write on one side, draw a doodle, or put a sticker on the other—fill in the big white space.
- Add our website to each card: abrightspot.org.
- Place a sticker or drawing on the front and back of the envelope.
- Don’t seal or even put the card in the envelope.
- Take your time; cards must be created with care.
They should not be scribbled to receive a whole bunch of hours. They should be more than a piece of paper folded in half. If making cards, you should either make an envelope or purchase envelopes to place the cards. Put yourself in your audience’s shoes.
Would you think the card maker cared about you if you received this card?
When the cards are finished, package them with a note saying who they are from and the category they are intended for. Remind us you need service hours. We receive many cards without a note and then cannot give you your services hours because we don’t know who made the cards.
How Many Service Hours Will I Get?
When the cards are completed and meet standards, A Statement of Hours will be generated on our letterhead and sent to your email address. Usually, you can expect it in 24 hrs-48 hrs.
Complete credit will not be given if your cards are not signed, have the website on them, or do not have enough messaging. Our standard time per card is as follows:
Purchased cards with pictures or drawings
6 minutes/card (1 hour/10 cards)
Homemade cards with handwritten messages
15 minutes/card (2.5 hours/10 cards)