2024 was another great year for A Bright Spot. We brightened the lives of 22,883 people in the year. This represents a 21.3% Year over Year (YoY) growth. We are excited to see this growth and are aiming to send more than 30,000 cards next year! This growth, in part, came from the growth of our mission to include expanded efforts supporting our military and their families.
Our impact in numbers
A Bright Spot sends cards to 134 different organizations and has sent cards to 200 specific individuals. Currently, the majority of our support has gone to children and teenagers in hospitals, Ronald McDonald Houses, and foster care programs. We support many seniors in assisted living centers, rehabilitation centers, and in hospitals. We are excited at our growing military and veteran’s support efforts. We support deployed military, soon-to-deliver spouses of military, and several wounded warrior care facilities. In all, we support people in all 50 US states.
Who are our volunteers?
Our 755 volunteers come from all over, representing 36 states. They support us through the donation of around 2,000 cards per month.
We are proud to support those who require services hours for schools or court assignments. A Bright Spot approved 2,528 service hours for 185 people.
We also receive cards from corporate employees who give back to their community in after work groups, leadership events, and social groups.
Our Finance
We are proud of of low general and administrative expenses. Over 99% of all funds are directed toward missions expenses! Financially, we are in good shape, but we are looking for additional funding streams to support expanded operations. Goals in the upcoming years include accounting and donation software and a card receiving and storage facility that can support meet-ups and board meetings.
Balance Sheet
As the balance sheet shows, our main assets are card and postage stamp donations ($32K) which has increased by 17% YoY.
2024-Balance-SheetIncome Statement
While our primary assets are donated cards and stamps, the income statement shows card donations are slightly down (1.2%), but donation revenue is up by 163%!
2024-Income-StatementCash Flow
As described in the income statement, A Bright Spot had another good year with cash flow. Income revenue outpaced expenses with postage, our largest expense, decreasing by 2.6% even though shipments increased. Unfortunately, we were not able to obtain a grant this year, though we submitted several proposals.
2024-Cash-FlowFunctional Expenses
As mentioned above, we are still able to direct the majority of funds to the mission. In the coming year, we do not anticipate any major changes to the current profile.
2024 has been a year of meaningful growth and increased impact. The organization successfully managed resources, achieved operational milestones, and furthered its mission to brighten lives. With a solid inventory and a growing community presence, 2025 promises even greater achievements.